
A new age and almost a new year

so the new year is approaching and there's always the thing about making resolutions, resolutions that people either keep or don't. It is quite hard to keep them  but only a very determined and motivated person will actually follow them. I don't know if I'll make new years resolutions, I'll be either the person who can't make them or can. All i want is a simple little new years time with him. No plans as of yet. We'll see. But there a lot of things I need to work on, not only is it almost 2012, but it is a new age for me since i just turned 23. I need to figure myself out, improve myself as a person, look for what it is my purpose in life may be, my future, a job, love, oh there are a lot of things and all I been doing for a while is worry worry and worry some more. I hate feeling lost and I just hope this year I can find myself and walk in the right path that'll take me to direct happiness and other good things. i really hope. 

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